3 of the Best Group Activities For 2022

After so long spent in relative isolation, including periods during which it was very difficult to meet as a group, 2022 should be all about enjoying the freedoms granted to us at the end of the pandemic. The joy of a group activity is something that can boost your wellbeing and self-esteem, while building valuable connections with the people you love the most in this world. As such, this article looks at 3 of the best group activities that you can indulge in this year.

Sporting Pursuits

Keeping fit is important for your health and wellbeing. Doing so with friends, family or colleagues also makes it a social group activity – providing additional benefits beyond those that you enjoy from the sport itself. Depending on the group you have in mind, there are dozens of different team sports to consider indulging in.

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Friendship groups of similar ages could try soccer, volleyball or hockey. Family groups of different ages could try less arduous sports, such as ten-pin bowling or snooker, and groups of colleagues might find sports more enjoyable if there’s a drink involved – like bar games or party games. Keep fit and have fun by getting a group together to perform in sport regularly in 2022.

Escape Rooms

While they’re not new, escape rooms have come a long way since they were reintroduced into the mainstream a handful of years ago. The basic concept of an escape room is that a group is locked in a room for a certain period of time, and has to solve puzzles and riddles within that time span in order to escape the room. This means teamwork and creative thinking – and a fair share of laughs along the way.

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Since the first escape rooms were so popular, we’re now living in a world with advanced and deeply exciting escape room options. Check out, for instance, this VR Escape Room, which pits you against a zombie hoard armed with a replica rifle. The sheer variety and imagination involved in these escape rooms means it’s the perfect regular group activity for colleagues and friends alike.


Finally, the past two years have been an exhibition in how the world can come together to support their local communities and help keep everyone safe and secure. If that was an experience and a feeling that you found particularly nourishing, there’s nothing stopping you from finding volunteering activities that you can do as a group well beyond the pandemic’s end.

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Litter-picking as a group on your local beach or in your local park helps to solve a social problem while also helping you socialize with a group. Volunteering at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter will help you give back to the neediest in society alongside friends. There are literally hundreds of volunteering opportunities on your doorstep, many of them open to groups. So this is the final idea for those looking for new group activities to perform in the year ahead.

Get a new group together to perform one of the above activities on a regular basis, helping you reconnect with those you love the most.

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