The Main 3 Things to Know When Buying Your First Property

One of the most exciting and indeed, somewhat nerve-wracking, endeavors an adult can undertake is to purchase their own home and managing a property, whether that be as part of a family unit, a newly married couple, or indeed, on their own.

If you are in such a position and are saving frantically to afford your first down payment and deposit, then you have certainly clicked on the right article.

Here are the top three most fundamental things to know when buying your first property and also learn out managing a property in Sacramento.

A Mortgage Adviser Is a Good Idea

Considering how much is involved with buying a new home, even if you have bought several properties in the past, one of the best ways to help deal with all the required associated tasks is to hire the services of a reputable mortgage adviser.

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Mortgage advisers essentially work to find the best possible mortgage from the best lender to suit you and usually have unprecedented access to other lenders, which you may well not be able to find or even think of yourself.

There are undeniably many benefits to hiring a mortgage advisor, especially as a first-time buyer, including expert and educated financial advice, help with each section of paperwork along the journey, and the simple fact that you will not have to handle the mortgage application itself on your own.

Choose the Type of Mortgage Carefully

One of the biggest decisions you have to make when buying your first property is the type of mortgage to apply for and choosing one that best suits your income, as well as both your personal and professional circumstances.

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The main types of different mortgages available to you include the following:

  • Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
  • USDA Loans
  • Fixed-Rate Mortgages
  • Jumbo Loans
  • VA Loans
  • Conventional Mortgages
  • FHA Loans

It would also be pertinent to point out that, when looking into FHA loans from established lenders, such as those at if your credit rating is less than exemplary, this may well be the best mortgage option for you.

Ask for Details When Viewing a Property

When viewing a specific property that you are more than a little interested in, you must again be objective when walking around the building and you should have some pre-prepared questions to ask the realtor.

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Be as thorough as possible when you are looking around and be sure to inspect the corners of the room, ask to see the loft space and basement (where applicable), as well as ask what exactly is included if the current owner’s furniture is still there.

Ask the seller or the real estate agent if there are any confirmed, or even rumored, building plans in and around the local area, if any of the rooms have been decorated or repaired recently and whether or not the garden has been professionally improved in recent years. Additionally, find out how long the property in question has been up for sale on the market, and crucially, why the current owner wants to sell their home.

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