Cheetah Magnificent but Fragile: Experts List Concerns For Cheetahs

In recent reports, Cheetah’s magnificent but fragile experts listed their concerns on September, 22, 2023, at the Kuno National Park. Cheetahs are majestic and graceful creatures, but their numbers are declining quickly when it comes to their habitat. Experts are concerned that global warming is the primary cause of this decline in population, which will eventually put cheetahs on the endangered species list.

“Cheetahs are beautiful animals,” stated Richard Coss with New York Times during an interview, a noted cheetah expert. “They have unique markings that make them look very majestic. Also, their long sideburns and fur make them easily identifiable. I like how they move their tails when they run to show off that they are dangerous predators.”

Coss explained why cheetahs have a population decline. “Their main predator is a species of human hunter from Asia called the tiger. The tiger hunts cheetahs and skins them for their fur. The tiger, however, does not eat the cheetah because it does not taste good.”

  • Cheetahs are also very fragile in that they prey on lions, leopards and hyenas. They also have several tendencies numerous experts agree on:
  • They tend to run fast after attacking their prey and running off with it before killing it.Cheetahs tend to be quite lazy and prefer napping over hunting. “Cheetahs usually like to hunt at night because they know tigers sleep during the day,” stated Coss, “but sometimes I think the cheetah is more likely just lazy.
  • Lions, leopards and hyenas often attack cheetahs because they run fast when they see something.
  • Because cheetahs tend to be lazy and only attack their prey when wounded, the cheetah population is incredibly fragile. If a lion or leopard attacks a cheetah, the cheetah will usually just run off rather than fight back. Very few of them have the heart to fight back, and even if they do, they still maintain a low birth rate.”
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According to Bloomberg, some of the Concerns listed by experts include:

  • The tigers that attack cheetahs in the wild are likely already extremely old, weak and infirm.
  • Although tiger numbers are declining worldwide, they remain a considerable threat to cheetah populations. As tiger populations diminish, their gene pools will become more fertile and less susceptible to genetic defects, making them increasingly more dangerous for cheetahs.”
  • Not all the threats facing cheetah populations can be blamed on global warming. Still, scientists believe that the last decade of extreme temperatures played a significant role in their decline.
  • Experts have discovered that cheetahs may be declining in their numbers due to changes in food habits. According to Coss, “a new study has shown that the Sun’s light and heat has been increasing, which means fewer opportunities for cheetahs to hunt. Also, more people are moving into areas where cheetahs live, so the prey base is shrinking.”
  • Experts believe if global warming continues at its current rate, then many of the cheetahs will no longer be able to survive in such hot areas as Asia.”
  • Lions, leopards and cheetahs prey on each other, causing a lot of conflict over the target. “Despite all these issues, the U.S. Bureau of International Conservation has determined that the cheetah is not yet endangered and is still a species of “Least Concern.” It should be noted that they need help to speak for cheetahs on several other issues, such as the removal of wild cheetahs from protected areas in Africa where they can reproduce.
  • Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: The encroachment of human activities on cheetah habitats leads to their territories’ fragmentation and limited prey access.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflicts: The competition for space and livestock predation, resulting in retaliatory killings by farmers and a threat to cheetah populations.
  • Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade: The demand for cheetahs as exotic pets and the illegal trade of their body parts contribute to population decline and cruelty.
  • Genetic Diversity and Inbreeding: The reduced genetic diversity and increased inbreeding among cheetahs make them more susceptible to diseases and limit their adaptability.
  • Disease Outbreaks: Vulnerability to infectious diseases, which can rapidly spread and decimate cheetah populations.
  • Climate Change: Altered ecosystems, changing prey availability, and increased habitat degradation due to climate change pose challenges to cheetah survival.
  • Lack of Protected Areas: Insufficiently protected areas and inadequate management leave cheetah populations vulnerable to human disturbances and poaching.
  • Lack of Awareness and Conservation Efforts: Limited public awareness about cheetah conservation and insufficient support for conservation initiatives.
  • Limited Funding: Inadequate financial resources for cheetah conservation efforts hinder research, monitoring, and on-the-ground protection measures.
  • Policy and Legislative Gaps: Weak or insufficient policies and regulations to address the threats cheetahs face and enforce penalties for illegal activities.
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These concerns highlight the urgency for collaborative efforts among governments, conservation organizations, local communities, and the public to ensure the survival and recovery of cheetah populations. We can strive to secure a future for these magnificent yet fragile creatures by addressing these challenges and implementing effective conservation strategies, reported BBC.

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