Why Today’s Workers Need Supplemental Healthcare Coverage

Perhaps one of the greatest disappointments within the past decade has been what many consider to be the failure of the Affordable Care Act, which was highly anticipated at the beginning of President Obama’s first term in office. Signed into legislation by former President Obama on March 23, 2010, it held every promise of being ‘the coverage’ that would ensure that every American had access to affordable healthcare.

Did it perform as promised? In some ways it did, but in many more ways, it didn’t deliver. Not only was healthcare not available to every American, but the cost was nowhere near as affordable as people had been led to believe. With that being said, it is no wonder why today’s workers need supplemental healthcare insurance on top of the plan subscribed to by their employer.

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High Deductibles and Failure to Get Treatment

There are still too many workers who aren’t getting treatment. When asked why they hadn’t been to a doctor or sought prescribed treatments, many would respond that the deductibles were simply too high. Even retired Medicare recipients have found that they couldn’t meet their annual deductibles, and that is also a reason why many of today’s seniors aren’t getting the treatments they need.

In light of that, supplemental insurance can help to cover those high deductibles and why this coverage should be made available to anyone with high deductibles on their health insurance. This is also why so many workers are checking out how to save money in other areas such as OTC products. In order to meet the needs of their employees, many employers are, for example, looking at a Nations Benefits OTC products comparison with InComm coverage, so they can make savings. By saving money in one area, it is hoped they would be able to afford those inordinately high deductibles.

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A Leading Cause of Stress Among Workers (and Bosses Too!)

Sadly, costs that are still running too high for the average worker are a leading cause of stress on and off the job. There is nothing quite as stressful as knowing you need to see a doctor, but those deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs are preventing you from doing so. This stress is not only causing health-related issues with workers, but it is also impacting their job performance. Bosses are not immune to stress either because their staff simply aren’t performing well, which often has a negative impact on business profitability.

Benefits Not Available on Their Main Employer Sponsored Healthcare Plan

In response, many employers are now researching supplemental insurance coverage that can help to meet those deductibles, provide coverage for OTC medications and healthy meals. Each and every way an employee can minimize out-of-pocket expenses could provide a way to meet many of the costs they are unable to pay at this time.

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In the end, workers are not the only ones suffering under the burden of the unaffordable Affordable Care Act as their employers are experiencing similar levels of stress as well. With their business suffering, it makes sense to seek supplemental health coverage.

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